It's weird using a blog, because you start to wonder should I write this on the web or should I put it in my notebook. The way I see it, the two are not interchangeable. Some things I put in my book will probably never make it too the web simply because the web isn't worthy...kidding. In actuality it's more like somethings that come out of my mind are better when they are just for my personal growth and not necessarily for people outside of myself, but if I find something that would be beneficial, why not share it with the world. Besides, not everyone will read it, and not everyone will absorb it, and those that do read will analyze then weigh it to see if it fits their philosophical operation or not.
All that being said, I seem to have a knack for finding employment that is very much interesting, and I always use my employment as a way to learn something or gain a new observation (I think that should be the goal for anything, there's always a new perspective to gain). But I have had the good fortune to be able to watch people. They bob about from their office buildings to the places where they eat lunch. And they have to eat their lunches within a required time frame (gotta be back to work within the lunch hour). But it makes me ask, "How oblivious are these people? What would happen if there was an event that changed everything? How open would they be to change?" I've heard it before, and maybe you have to, that humans are creatures of habit. We settle into our little patterns and that's how we like things to stay, and when something changes or threatens to change that pattern somebody has got to answer.And I remember coming across a quote: "It is not the strongest nor the fastest that survive, but the ones most adaptable to change."
How willing would we be to change what we think is the best life that there is to offer. Better yet, how open are we to accept that this is not the best life that there is to offer. I think people know that, deep down, but the question I want to ask is how willing are we to accept that that is the case. The fact of the matter is, things aren't going to stay the same and they shouldn't.
We also can't go back to the "simplicity" of the "good-ole-days". I think it's time we embrace our evolution and come to grips with the fact that the only thing that is and can ever be constant is change. Then maybe we can get to work really making things better.
well said..