Thursday, July 21, 2011


who's going to consume after the consumers lose all of which they consume with?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thought provoking ideas

I was having a conversation with one of my close friends, and a few things were discussed. I think a couple of those are worth sharing with the blogosphere, so dig these questions and tell me what you think:

1. Why hasn't there been an insurance company that actually cares about the people that support it? Would it not be good business that if a person has been keeping up with their insurance payments and has no accidents at the end of the year, they should get some sort of stipend?

2. In order to get more parents to become involved in helping their children in school, should not parents whose children are exceling in school should get a stipend for their children performing well?

It's just a couple questions. If you come by the page don't just leave and not say anything. I want to know what you think. Personally I think that the insurance systems nowadays are glorified scams, but hey...this ain't about me. Let me know what you think...