Who are we? What are we doing to ourselves? Why are some of our priorities mixed up? Do we really care for one another or are we just trying to "look good" because that is what our culture and society tells us is the most important. Where did these rules we see today come from? What exactly is money and why is it so important to some humans, but not important to others? What is control and is it really worth seeking and attaining? Have we lost sight of what is really going on on this planet and our place on it. Are we really about "protecting our environment" or is it just something that we do so when we go home at night and lay our head down we feel good about ourselves? Do we really think about our affect on our environment? Why do we allow ourselves to be distracted so easily? Back to the rules: who really makes up the rules? When they are made, is it really about liberty and freedom? Why do I hear these words so much in my "country of residence" but not see true freedom? What makes us different from other countries altogether now that I think about it? Is it differing histories? Is it different values? What makes our values better than say, Chinese values, or Russian values? Or are we really more similar than we want to admit? Is all that really separates from ourselves language, or history? Maybe. But there is one thing that we constantly look over that is always evident. A lot of what we allow to separate us is made up. It's fake. Engineered by a civilization that operates better when people are divided. Is there really much difference between myself and a Saudi Arabian...we both have to swing our arms when we walk.
But these fake separations are engrained in us. It's hard to realize that there are no real lines on a map. There are no real borders on this planet. From the space station you cant tell where some states and countries begin and others end because it's all fake. Separations, borders, land ownership. How does someone own land. Of course there is a deeds, papers, legal documents, court orders that order other human beings to imaginarily recognize that there is a fake line that marks that these borders belong to this person, or this group of people. But it is still made up.
I write this because I read a story about case where an individual is trying to be describe as negative because they are pictured possessing a substance that is "illegal" in this border and holding his hand in such a way that symbolizes a perceived negative statement. But the problem is, while this substance and this symbol is perceived as negative here, in other places around the world, this substance and symbol are perceived as harmless.
I call bullshit on everybody that empowers this madness...including myself. What have we convinced ourselves to accept as normal? What more will be sold to us as normal in the future?
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