That's right, two in a day...
I'm still adjusting to what exactly to blog about. The blog's title should say it all, but when you are supposed to write thought inspiring things it becomes tougher than you thought it would. Could be a combination of writer's block, or a little anxiety, or it could be that I'm a little fresh to the blogging thing, but I have a feeling that slowly but surely this will turn into something interesting (for me) and something interesting to read.
I'm always asking myself questions like, what kind of person does this or that. Or what type of person does it take to do this or that. For instance, what kind of person looks at the stars as soon as he steps outside (sometimes just the sky altogether, because I find myself looking up whether the sun is out or not)? Or what type of person does it take to ride a bike/motorcycle through the winter (I think you almost do have to be just short of certifiable)? So I guess now I'm asking, what type of person does it take (given that the internet will be around for a while as we know it) to write down thoughts, or happenings, or get people to think just from reading the words that I type on a screen. I can only hope to have that kind of impact.
Of course, I've read other blogs, I've seen what they blog about. It's usually current events, and news. Some people blog about their youtube postings. I guess a blog can be about anything. But this blog is going to do it's very best to be as thought provoking as possible. That's right, here you get the tough questions like, if they synched all of the traffic lights in cities properly, would it not improve gas mileage? Or After the corporations suck all of the money out of the economy, how will they get more money and wouldn't they shrivel up from lack of consumers? Or why would you make something that grows out of the ground naturally illegal...just a thought.
But this is the thinker's blog, this is where I will go to share my thoughts, and interactions with the web. Adding my little two cents to this worldwide community. Hopefully I can help you find a path that you seek. Because even though I'm posting my thoughts, I'm here for the collective consciousness (any human mind who will) to find, and hopefully I can point you in the right direction. I'm here for you. And maybe through sharing some of the truths that I seek, or have discovered, I can help you remember a few things that you have forgotten as well. Stay tuned...
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