So I'm a little bit of a politics follower and I've been keeping my eye on Mr. Barack Obama and I have to say that when considering all of the things he has gotten done and all of the changes that he's made...I'm pretty disappointed. Now I know I've got critics on both sides, and some will be like "I told you so," and some will be like "C'mon give him another chance," but after much deliberation I've come to the conclusion that Mr. Obama has been nothing more than a politician who had a good sale pitch. A really good sales pitch.
I kind of knew after the public option, which I think it's safe to say the public really wanted, was tossed out on the health debate, we had another politician. And my suspicions kept revealing themselves after Gitmo wasn't closed, then after the Bush tax cuts got extended, then after the budget agreement, then after...well I could go on, but you get my drift. Now this is not to say that some good things have not been done. DADT got repealed among somethings, but the military's budget is still sky high, while I learned a short time ago that around the country some of the humanities are being cut from university's programs. I smell fascism.
But Ive come to a conclusion; if there is really some change that we want to believe in, why do we keep electing businessmen to our public offices and think things will change? These guys sell themselves really well, get elected and then it's business as usual when they start their terms, I say if we as a country are really talking about change we have to really change something about the way we do our politics. STOP ELECTING THESE SUITS TO OUR PUBLIC OFFICES!
The suit and tie really have been a spectacle to be pondered. It has been the representation of business in America and in other countries for a very long time. I'm definitely not saying that suits and ties are bad, because who doesn't like to get dressed up once and a while. But because the suit and tie has represented some sneaky underhanded s*%t in its history, why should we also associate it with the way we run our country full of human beings as opposed to the country being run like a business full of employees? When you think of the bailout, what do those banker wear? When you think of oil tycoons cutting deals with politicians what do you imagine them wearing? When you think of a cold lifeless corporation taking over all of the revenue of an area that used to be littered with "mom and pop" stores, what do you think they wear in their boardroom making all of those decisions (that was a little dramatic but I'm sure you get the point).
That's why, (I've done a google search and I couldn't find any evidence of one, but correct me if you know there is one) I am going to start the No Suit Party right now. It's a party for people who don't want to been in the two party system, who follow politics, know their government, know their constitution, but are tired of seeing the business as usual that goes on in "Warshington". It's a party for people who want a better choice than just one of democrat or republican. It's a party for people who know you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law. It's a party where the candidate know you won't change the political scene until you get private money out of it. It's a party where the candidates....don't have to wear suits. I like it already :)
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