I was talking with my mother last night about a movie called, "Waiting for Superman". Critically hailed and a whole bunch of other labels that tout it as work that reveals what the problem with public schools is. The problem is...it's propaganda. That's right, more separation media giving argument to the widening of the gap between the haves and the have-nots.
Needless to say that my mom was pretty upset about how the movie goes about delivering its message that public schools are messed up. And it pretty much blames a lot of it on teachers unions and such. I see a flash to wisconsin at this point. But it makes me ask, why are we demonizing those that are teaching our kids 8+ hours a day, ahem for free (of course it's paid through taxes, but wouldn't you rather pay someone from a pot everyone contributes to than pay an insanely expensive tuition). Do you really want to think of the people that have possession of your kids most of the time that you aren't there as inefficient or inept?
Lets give this another look. I think the point that people are missing through this whole deal is that this is a cycle that we are caught in. The first thing that my mom brought up when considering teaching these kids is the parents aren't giving them any help, and this is solely from her point of view, which is an elementary school that you could say is in the hood. Reading and talking with your kids has always been stressed, at least it was in my house.
There is something very wrong here. In our society we have to pay to live (house, lights, heat, food, etc) In order to pay those bills you have got to work. But now a days in a system that requires you to pay way more to live than we've had to in the past, you get both parents working or one parent working twice as hard just to pay those bills. Now the parent doesn't have time to give the children the mental stimulation needed to keep up with what is going on in school. In some cases the parents just suck as parents due to drugs, alcohol, and other social disparities causing a lack of money therefore causing a lack of food etc, and if you ever tried to learn something on an empty stomach you'll know how difficult these kids have it. And now the student performs poorly in school because they lack the tools to keep up with the standards. This falls back on the test scores which get reported to the bureaucrats who in turn take it out on the teachers, and this is what we see now.
The problem is not the teachers or the unions. The problem is the system on the whole. If we took better care of people all together we wouldn't have this problem. If people didn't have to work so hard to live they could give more time to their children which would make it easier for the teachers to teach them. The most devious thing done in this system of america so far I've noticed is convincing the people without money that the people with more money need more of it.
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