Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Witness

I have been conscious before time was time and I have been traveling for a very long while now. I've witnessed the birth of existence itself and I have beheld the death of stars. I've observed the coalescence of gases and gravitational collection of rocks and metals and I have watched those same elements come together and form planets, then dominate the systems that they occupy. I've raced from one end of a galaxy to the other, in no time and I've watched asteroids collide with enormous rocks to create satellites orbiting their celestial bodies. I've watched some of those same large rocks snatch comets from their flights paths and hold them hostage probably until time will stop again, or they've given up more of their time than they realize and can slowly drift back away. And though I've witnessed all of these happenings and endless events...I don't remember any of it...

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